
Concentric Styling Design

DRAFT — Over time the way you write css becomes meaningful and natural. This is because as a developer you end up with a vague mental model of all the properties, let's try write that down … READ MORE

BASHing JavaScript

DRAFT — Like many web developers, I grew up becoming familiar with the commandline as a daily chore. It is a fascinating world of little programs that take text, … READ MORE

Battery Optimisation for Canvas

DRAFT — I love canvas animations, but I won't deny they have a huge problem — they drain the batteries out of our devices. Let's explore ways of solving this… READ MORE

Colour Design

DRAFT — I'm taking a slow approach to learning design. The topic of colour deeply fascinated me in the way we feel or communicate. Here is my take on accessibility, surface area, gradients and perception. … READ MORE

Narrative Scrolling

DRAFT — Stories have always played a part in the representation of human thought. Narrative Scrolling goes into connecting modern article writing with the most important and universal user interaction after clicking & tapping. … READ MORE

Explanation Design

DRAFT — From Open Source to Narrative Scrolling. Let's explore what this means for a new generation of education. … READ MORE

Reading Clarity

DRAFT — As a dyslexic, I've realised that turning my curse into a gift, I am in an awesome position of being peculiarly sensitive to reading clarity. … READ MORE

An Ode to the Personal Site

DRAFT — I think personal sites have contributed more than we ever realised. Here, I will put forward why and why I want you to make your own as well. … READ MORE